One of the things that you should try amongst the Mexican foods are tortillas. The people from Mexico have
eaten them for many generations. They are also made from maize or flour. In the country’s tradition, they are used as bread but today, they are used to wrap around food. There are two types of tortillas. They can be fried for tacos or grilled when making quesadillas.
Another one of the Mexican food that you can try is Salsa. It is a Spanish word for sauce and is uncooked which is often pureed until smooth or chunky depending on the person’s preference. It is a staple food in Mexican cuisine and has been eaten for many generations. It is usually served as a relish or a dip just to accompany one’s meal.
Guacamole is also one of the Mexican foods that you can also try since it is famous. These are avocados that have been mashed and blended with different types of ingredients. It is usually served as a garnish or a dip much similar to salsa. To prevent the avocado from turning brown, people usually add lime or lemon juice.
Lastly is mole sauce, this also ranks as one of the famous food in Mexico. The reason is because of its unlikely ingredients which are chilies, chocolate and spices. The so-called Mole sauce is slow-cooked in order to fit in flavors and usually is served over turkey or chicken. It can be a little bit weird, but it’s worth a try.
These are some of the food that you ought to try when you want to cook different dishes. It really is worth it to study different food styles and various cooking methods. You might even like cooking Mexican cuisine. So, try it before you make a decision.
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